Query Files related to an object
<!-- Query Files (ContentDocument & ContentDocumentLink) --> List<ContentDocument> files = [ SELECT Id, Title, FileType, ContentSize, LatestPublishedVersionId FROM ContentDocument WHERE Id IN ( SELECT ContentDocumentId FROM ContentDocumentLink WHERE LinkedEntityId = :objectAId ) ]; for (ContentDocument file : files) { System.debug('File Name: ' + file.Title); } <!-- Query Classic Attachments --> List<Attachment> attachments = [ SELECT Id, Name, ContentType, BodyLength FROM Attachment WHERE ParentId = :objectAId ]; for (Attachment att : attachments) { System.debug('Attachment Name: ' + att.Name); } <!-- Query File Versions (Optional) --> List<ContentVersion> fileVersions = [ SELECT Id, Title, VersionData, ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion WHERE ContentDocumentId IN ( SELECT ContentDocumentId FROM ContentDocumentLink WHERE LinkedEntityId = :objectAId ) ]; for (ContentVersion version : fileVersions) { System.debug('File Version Name: ' + version.Title); }
Query Files related to an object
Reviewed by dasfrogpractice
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