registerDirty in unit of work

// Test class for registerDirty method
public class MyApexClassTest {
    static void testRegisterDirty() {
        // Create test data
        Account parentAccount = new Account(Name = 'Test Parent Account');
        insert parentAccount;

        Contact childContact = new Contact(FirstName = 'Test', LastName = 'Contact', AccountId = parentAccount.Id);

        // Create an instance of the class where the method is defined
        MyApexClass myApexClassInstance = new MyApexClass();

        // Call the registerDirty method with both child record and parent record
        myApexClassInstance.registerDirty(childContact, Contact.AccountId, parentAccount);

        // Verify that the child record was registered for update
        // Assuming you have a way to retrieve or validate "dirty" records from the class
        List<SObject> dirtyRecords = myApexClassInstance.getDirtyRecords(); // Hypothetical method
        System.assertEquals(1, dirtyRecords.size(), 'One record should have been registered as dirty');
        System.assertEquals(childContact, dirtyRecords[0], 'The registered record should match the child contact');

        // Verify that the relationship was registered
        // Assuming you have a method to verify relationships in your class
        SObject relatedParent = myApexClassInstance.getRelatedParent(childContact); // Hypothetical method
        System.assertEquals(parentAccount, relatedParent, 'The related parent should match the parent account');

registerDirty in unit of work registerDirty in unit of work Reviewed by dasfrogpractice on 05:44 Rating: 5

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