Wrapper Class in Salesforce - with example

What is a Wrapper class and why is it a developers best friend ?

It is an inner class or container in Salesforce. We define the properties of the wrapper class. We would be learning how to display a list of records on a visualforce page and performing DML operation on few of the selected records. Sounds fun ? But watch out closely for how data which is passed through our wrapper class.

We design the properties of a wrapper class. Say for example,  we have an empty carton box. And we would need to fill this box with Chicken wraps.
Steps to put wraps inside a box :
  • Fetch a carton box. Make sure its an empty one.
  • Prepare the wrap dough.
  • Cut the leaves,tomatoes and fry the chicken.
  • Wrap all of the above in a bubbled hot dough.
  • Place the crispy hot wrap in the carton box. (Repeat the above steps for making more wraps)

 Take the carton box as an OuterClass and the 5 wraps present inside the box are safely held by InnerClass 

Syntax :

Public Class OuterClass
    // Outer Class Code
    public class InnerClass
         // Inner Class Code

What we would be achieving by the end of this post ?

  • Creating a custom object
  • Fields in custom object
  • Records of a custom object
  • Apex Class containing a wrapper class
  • Visualforce displaying the records and a check box to select records to be deleted
Seems to look easy? Yes ,of course it is ! Lets take a dive.

Scenario :

Displaying records on the visualforce page, having a checkbox to select particular records and performing a DML on those selected records. 

DML - Data Manipulation Language

Custom Object - Student
Custom Fields - Name,Branch

Apex Class - 

public class showSpecificRecords
    public list<Student__c> studentRecds{get;set;}
    public ID currentPageID;
    public list<container> allrcsinContainer {get;set;}
    public showSpecificRecords(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
        allrcsinContainer = new list<container>();
        //Querying the Student records
        studentRecds = [select id,name,branch__c from student__c];
        //Iterating through all the records of the student object
        for(integer i =0;i<studentRecds.size();i++)
             //Creating a new Object of InnerClass
             container conObj = new container(false,studentRecds[i]);

   //Method to delete the selected records
    public pagereference deletecheckRecs()
        //Iterating through the list
        for(integer i=0;i<allrcsinContainer.size();i++)
            //Fetching data of the selected records
            if(allrcsinContainer[i].checkbox == true)
                //deleting student records based on lists index
                delete allrcsinContainer[i].stuObj;
        //Redirecting back to the same page after deleting
        pagereference ref = new pagereference('/apex/WrapperPage');
        return ref;
    //Inner Class
    public class container
        public boolean checkbox{get;set;}
        public student__c stuObj{get;set;}
        //passing arguments of boolean and object type
        public container(boolean fromMainclasscheckbox,student__c 
            checkbox = fromMainclasscheckbox;
            stuObj   = fromMainclassstuObj;

Visualforce Page -

<apex:page standardController="Student__c" extensions="showSpecificRecords">
  <apex:form >
      <apex:pageBlock >
        <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!allrcsinContainer}" var="sturecs">
             <apex:column headerValue="select">
               <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!sturecs.checkbox}"/>
            <apex:column headerValue="id">
              <apex:outputField value="{!sturecs.stuObj.id}"/>
            <apex:column headerValue="Name of the Student">
               <apex:outputField value="{!sturecs.stuObj.name}"/>
             <apex:column headerValue="Branch">
               <apex:outputField value="{!sturecs.stuObj.Branch__c}"/>
        <apex:pageBlockButtons >
        <apex:commandButton value="delete" action="{!deletecheckRecs}"/>

That's its folks! You can share this post with your friends if you have
gained knowledge or lost your fear to wrapper class.Happy coding!!!
Wrapper Class in Salesforce - with example Wrapper Class in Salesforce - with example Reviewed by dasfrogpractice on 07:48 Rating: 5


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